23 Окт 2019

Вопрос 17-26-31 23-10-2019

Имя: TimothyMum

Организация: 52114

Профиль компании: 54229

Электропочта: fff@fff.ff

Телефон: 85585671245

Вопрос: One thing that seems to hold most marketers
back, are the technical hurtles.Lets face it, we don’t want to sit and learn
how to code…We want to MARKET.Well here is a perfect solution
Click here to get EmailSpike (heck,
even developers will start using this)So instead of going through a 5 page tutorial
on how to hack up code (errrrr)….

Now you can embed HTML5 video and dynamic countdown
timers into your emails with two snippets of code
that look like this…

It literally takes 60 seconds to add the two most
powerful sales triggers to your emails now (with
NO coding required).==>
Get it now!!
To your success,
After the “charter special” these two apps
are going to be sold separately and their normal
prices.Grab the bundle of Video Spike and Timer Spike
before this offer goes away!==> Get it now!!

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